COVID-19 Pool School Protocols
New Policy and Procedure:
Each family must agree to the new Agreement via the Parent Portal. Addition to the agreement includes a COVID-19 release. The new Agreement must be accepted and e-signed prior to student’s arrival for lessons.
- Orientation scheduled for all personnel 6/19/2020
- All employees must complete their COVID check 1 hour prior to arriving at St. George’s
- No school on school competition
- All employees must wear a mask
- All participants must make a reservation 24 hours in advance
- No walks up allowed
- Signage posted at all entrances
- Participants must provide their own water and towel
- All tables, chairs, and benches removed
- Each coach will have their own chair marked with their name while they are working Arrival to Campus
Arrival to Campus
- Everyone must use the Wolf River entrance
- Customers must remain in their cars while waiting
- There should be no adults or children out of the car while waiting on swimmers
- Participants must sign in at the back door of the aquatics center
- Once the participant is signed, the parent must return to their car and remain until pick up
- Walking campus or children playing in indoor and outdoor spaces is prohibited
- All social distancing guidelines must be adhered Parking
- We ask that you try to keep one parking spot open between cars
- All social distancing guidelines must be adhered Entering employees/participants
Entering employees/participants
- Everyone will be temperature checked before entering, any temperature above 100.4 will not be allowed to enter
- A list of questions will be asked of each person
- Have you been in close contact with a known confirmed case of COVID 19?
- Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or sore throat?
- Have you had a fever in the past 48 hours?
- Have you had a new loss of smell or taste?
- Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
- Each person must sanitize their hands before entering
- One employee will sign in people
- There will be markers on the floor or ground for people to stand 6 feet apart to create a line at sign in
- Each person will report to their workspace and there should be no shared workspace
- All social distancing guidelines must be adhered Pool School Preparations and Controls
Pool School Preparations and Controls
- Every parent must sign a release before they can enroll for a lesson
- There will be a daily schedule of students and time. Attendance will be taken
- Students will not be allowed to enter the pool prior to their lesson time. No parents will be allowed on the pool deck
- Only students and instructors on the pool deck
- Entrance will be the back door of the pool
- Everyone will exit through the flap of the pool closes the fieldhouse
- Restrooms and locker rooms are closed
- No communal use of equipment. Pool School will not provide goggles, noodles, toys or kickboards
- After the lesson, all frequently touched surfaces will be wiped down with disinfectant.
- All signage required by CDC will be in place.